Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Yesterday, the kids and I made our trip to Allaman. The train only stops there once an hour and it's an odd time, so we ended up walking to the train station. The train was different. It looked more like a tram on the inside.

We stopped by the pet supply place first. I told Garrett he could get a small pet if he kept his room clean. I have no idea were we could get a pet, as no pet stores actually sell pets. The pet store had rabbit cages, bird cages, food and supplies. The rabbit cages were enormous. They made my large dog kennel at home look tiny. It was almost as big as some apartment bedrooms. Did I mention expensive, they were very expensive. Maybe we should try and catch a tadpole or small fish in the river, lol. Seriously, everything here is just ridiculous and not worth it. So, I'm thinking Garrett will just have to stick with the sea monkeys, because nothing else looks remotely affordable for us.

Denner was next door so we popped in there and bought some junk food. Chip, candy, chocolate and coke gummies. I have to say Denner is the best place to buy any type of junk. We bought a kilo of Harbo coke gummies for 7 CHF. You just can't beat that.

I got quite a bit from Ikea. Sadly, I forgot the family card and so our meal ended up being quite expensive. I bought a rug for the playroom/sitting room balcony. It's not thick, but I can throw it in the washer. Unfortunately, it is AU colored. Griffen didn't like it, but Garrett did. I ended up spending way more than I wanted to, and as I went through the receipt and the things that arrived home I realized that there was something for 9 CHF that I didnt have. I can't remember buying anything else. I guess I will have to watch as they scan things next time instead of trying to bag stuff. Oh, I did get 3 orchids. Griffen helped me pick them out. I think that they are beautiful. Ill have to post pics when I get a chance. They also had the bed Steve and I looked at when I first moved here on sale. It's the last one and it was discounted 50% to 449 CHF. I would really love to get another bed, as I wake up with back pain everyday. Seriously though, I know that's not going to happen, but a girl can dream.

When we first moved here, we really tried to get the essentials and not go overboard. Sadly, now we have been here for almost 2 years and we are still living that way. You know, as if we are moving back to the States at anytime. I just don't think thats going to happen anytime soon. Steve just broke down and bought a vacuum cleaner yesterday. Seriously, the way we are living is becoming old and ridiculous. I think it's time we probably looked at selling the house. We just can't afford to keep paying for it. It's not like we can get anymore money out of it or anything, but we could really use the money for something else, like maybe a car. I guess I'm just tired of sending a chunk of our money back to the US every month and us living like we do. Oh, and did I mention that we walked home from the train station with all of our purchases? Thus the real need for a car, sigh.

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