Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Spring Cleaning

I'm trying to get all of the major cleaning done before it gets hot. We don't have an air conditioner here and it gets too hot to do much of anything but sit in front of the fan. Last year we bought an air conditioner and it didn't work. I couldn't get it to blow anything but hot air. So, are we going to try again this year? I don't know. They are expensive over here. Last year we spent over 400 CHF. I just don't know.

Anyway, on to the cleaning and rearranging of the apartment. I have decided that the playroom will be a sitting room from now on. The boys don't keep it clean and its going to take at least a day for me to completely clean it. So, now it's going to be my room. Well, some toys will be allowed in there, but no more eating or drinking or anything else. We are putting their closet in there. Hopefully we will get that built this weekend. Garrett has gotten good about putting his shoes and jacket in the closet when he comes home. Griffen hasnt. He still throws his jacket on the floor and his shoes wherever he happens to be when he takes them off. It's very annoying. It's something that is going to have to change or no more computer.

So yesterday, I decide to clean the balconies. They were filthy. I tried to hold my nose as I swept up the dirt and dust, but when I was done I was blowing black stuff out of my nose and got an instant headache. The playroom balcony was covered in toys and dirt and leaves. It took me 45 min to pick up the lego pieces that were scatteered everywhere. Their grandma put the toys in boxes on the balcony last year. Unfortunately the boxes started falling apart and toys went everywhere. I'm going to try and clean the toys before they are brought back into the house. I think all of the dust and dirt really got to me, because I fell asleep at around 8:30. I had a horrible wave of exhaustion hit me. I woke up this morning at 9:30 with a headache and back ache. I think I may have slept too long. Today, we are going to take the train to Ikea and pick up a few things. Hopefully I can do a little cleaning on the play room. I would love to get a cover for the little black couch in there. It's a weird faded purple color now. Not very attractive. I'm also going to look for a nice rug to go on the balcony so we can go out barefooted.

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